Welcome, my friends, to the power of energy. There's energy less and then there's energy kind of full, then there's energy rich, and then there is energy explosion. We are meant to expand. We are meant to be much, much bigger than we believe. We started out as this tiny little infinitesimal cell and look at us, we grew billions of times bigger, and then we grew and grew and grew, and then we became an adult and we said, oh, I don't need to grow anymore.
But the truth is, we still need to grow. We don't grow with our body. We grow with our heart. We grow with our spirit. We grow with our energy, with our circle of concern, we start thinking about people, not just us, not just our neighbors, but the entire world. How can we impact the entire world? And when we start thinking about that energy from the whole world comes back to us and it flows through us, it's a beautiful cycle.
The thing is, is you've gotta realize that you have much more energy than you ever thought you did. And it's...
This powerful tool will guide you to greatness!
This skillset always involves creating and repeating thoughts, words, and emotions that call upon the greatest version of yourself. To grow your garden and fend off the weeds, you must always consciously plant and tend to the greatest thoughts in your mind.
Tony Robbins used incantations to propel himself forward in every aspect of his life. Intense affirmations, repeated daily, can change lives forever. Here is one of my favorites that I have memorized and say almost daily.
"I can. I will. I must fulfill my destiny to live my life to my full potential. To constantly grow improve achieve contribute and love. I am the light in the dark. A leader amongst men and I do what must be done. I'm a force for good.
I will believe not doubt. I am the belief! I am unstoppable unshakable and unbeatable. I am strong. I will embrace and I will adapt. I will stand on my feet. I will never be beat and I'll never retreat. I will push...
I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the things in life that we can feel grateful for, and to share with you some exercises that can help cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation.
Think about a moment in your life that you could feel deeply grateful for right now. It could be a memory from your childhood or a recent experience. Take a moment to step into that moment as if you were there. See with your own eyes what you saw, feel what you felt, and hear what you heard. Breathe in deeply and allow yourself to feel a sense of gratitude and appreciation for that moment.
Now, think about a second moment that you could feel deeply grateful for. It doesn't matter when it happened, as long as it is something that makes you feel grateful right now. Take a moment to savor and enjoy that moment. Breathe in deeply and allow yourself to feel a sense of gratitude and appreciation for that moment.
Lastly, think about a third moment that you could feel deeply grateful for if you...
Happy New Year! I wish 2021 will be full of health, love, success, connection, and peace for everyone around the world.
Joining me on this episode of Everyday Awesome is Ian Griffith. Ian is a jack of many trades and a master of them all. His background includes being a director at top tech companies worldwide and managing successful teams in numerous marketing, video, publication, podcasting companies, designing and creating hundreds of videos for live events of 5,000 plus in the audience. Recently, Ian has added certified elite coach, speaker, entrepreneur, and leader to his many trades. Ian’s mission and purpose of his life is to impact the good of the world in a massive way, which inspired his founding of...
Here are three great tips to make yourself consistent every day. You can be focused and get yourself out of any rut with consistency. You can gain momentum and move forward with the intention of success and the right habits. Inspiration and motivation will keep you consistent.
So what is consistency? Consistency is taking massive action. A lot of people think massive action means working 20 hours a day at one thing, but that's not what it is.
Massive action is doing something every day, committing to making it a must. You don't have to work 20 hours a day on your focus, but you have to make it a 'must' to work on it every day. That's consistency, and that's massive action. Consistency compounds results as you make the actions you take automatic.
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