Attaining an Energy Rich Existence

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2023

Welcome, my friends, to the power of energy. There's energy less and then there's energy kind of full, then there's energy rich, and then there is energy explosion. We are meant to expand. We are meant to be much, much bigger than we believe. We started out as this tiny little infinitesimal cell and look at us, we grew billions of times bigger, and then we grew and grew and grew, and then we became an adult and we said, oh, I don't need to grow anymore.

But the truth is, we still need to grow. We don't grow with our body. We grow with our heart. We grow with our spirit. We grow with our energy, with our circle of concern, we start thinking about people, not just us, not just our neighbors, but the entire world. How can we impact the entire world? And when we start thinking about that energy from the whole world comes back to us and it flows through us, it's a beautiful cycle.

The thing is, is you've gotta realize that you have much more energy than you ever thought you did. And it's not from what you eat, it's not exercise. It's not from anything except being willing to let that energy go through you. And how do you let that energy go through you? Because you have to make your energy push out to the world.

So when you think about someone that you care about, that's a little bit of your energy going through you. When you think about someone that you know and you want to give them kindness, that also is energy flowing.  When you push out of your comfort zone and you say, I have a dream to affect the entire world. Well, that pulls in a ton of energy. It opens up the pipe of energy going through you as Master Co would say, and when that flows through you, and then it comes back and it keeps flowing in a beautiful arc.

And then what happens is, is you come to a point. Your circle of concern is the whole world where you start to think, how could I impact the whole world? 

And what happened was when we were young, we had these big dreams. I want to be an astronaut, I want to do all these things. And people, they smacked us down.

We got hurt. We got people who said, don't be so full of energy. What are you trying to be significant? And what happened was we lost our energy. We said, I'm gonna shrink down. We became kind of like a black hole where no energy or light could come out

And then something great happened.  We grew and grew, because someone like me or Carolyn Rim or John Ameral, came into our life and we said, that's not who you were.

That's who you are. After things go bad, so we can take this black hole and we can turn it into a supernova and we can push our energy out again. Think about the fact that if you are splitting an atom, it can affect the entire world. We have so much energy inside us, we can be so efficient with our energy. We can be to the point where we don't sleep hardly at all.

Go to a Tony Robbins event. You only sleep four hours a day. You come out four days later, you feel amazing. This is because we totally underestimate the energy that we can put out into the world. And when your energy rich, guess what? All your dreams. All your dreams that give you fear, they won't give you fear anymore.

They'll give you excitement. Because you'll know that you're going after them. You know that you're supposed to do them. Nothing will be overwhelming. We know in our heart what to do, but it doesn't feel quite right. We go, well, I just feel like maybe that's not the way. Maybe I shouldn't brand myself. Maybe if I write the book, maybe no one will like it. The truth is, when you're energy rich, you go, I'm just gonna do it. And that's the difference. Energy-rich people do things. They take action because they know that they're being guided by an energy much greater than themselves.

The energy of being a force for good affects you in a massive way. So think about that. You already know how to put all the puzzle pieces together. It is just that everyone gets stuck in like, oh, I don't know, doesn't feel quite right to put these pieces together. Maybe it's not right. I'm just gonna hold off putting my life together until I talk to an expert.

But the truth is, the expert doesn't know as much as you do. You know, deep in your heart, you know how your life is supposed to come together. You know, you've gotta go deep in your heart, think with your heart, and you know, whatever comes out of there is the right thing. It is what's supposed to happen in your life, and that's the difference between people that live their dreams and people that don't.

It's the people that live their dreams. They say, I'm just gonna move forward no matter what. I'm gonna write a book, not the book. I'm gonna take an action, not the action, but when their heart is full of what they're supposed to do, it usually turns out. So why don't people believe it? Because when you're energy poor, nothing seems like the right decision.

So you're looking for someone who is energy rich to give you that advice, but you have that inside. You just have to be willing to bring that energy into you and push it out to the world. So what is the thing? Is it all the energy coming from you? No, its all around us and goes through us. The way to become energy rich is to take the energy that's already out there, to take it through us and to push it back out.

That's how you don't get tired. That's how things pull you to them. When you say, oh, I want to be a millionaire. That is pushing towards something. But when you say, I want to make money so that I can help people all over the world live a better life, then that dream pulls you to it. That gives you more energy.

When you have a dream that's bigger than yourself, you're pulled towards the bigger goal. So it doesn't have to be just helping people that are disadvantaged. Your dream could be any way that you could impact your tribe or people you love, or even the world. But when you really, really, really get out of yourself and you stop being concerned about how you are going feel about everything, when you stop being narcissistic.

And that's what it is when we say, I want to write a book, but I'm afraid people won't like it. It's narcissistic. When we get past this, we say, I want to write a book because I want to deeply impact the world. That's when things start to happen for us, because we're getting beyond ourself. We're starting to look at what we can give to the world.

We become a servant of the world. And the world becomes a team with us. Then no matter where we go, what we do, we realize everyone's on the same team. And when that starts happening, we start connecting with all the energies that the world provides. So let me tell you my wins.  


Here’s what it means to live an energy-rich life. It's about tapping into your limitless potential and using that energy to achieve your dreams and make a positive impact on the world.


But how do you become energy-rich? It starts with a mindset shift. You have to believe that you have more energy inside of you than you ever thought possible. It's not just about what you eat or how much you exercise, it's about tapping into the power of your heart and spirit. It's about expanding your circle of concern to include not just yourself and your immediate surroundings, but the entire world.

When you start thinking about how you can impact the world in a positive way, you open yourself up to a flood of energy that can flow through you and out into the world. This energy can be used to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and make a real difference in the lives of others.

But how do you tap into this energy? It starts with taking action. You can't just sit around and wait for things to happen. You have to be willing to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from your failures. You have to be willing to push past your fears and insecurities and take action towards your goals.

When you take action, you start to build momentum. Your energy level increases, and you become more confident and focused. You start to attract opportunities and resources that can help you achieve your goals.

But taking action is just the first step. To truly become energy-rich, you have to be willing to serve others. You have to be willing to use your energy to make a positive impact on the world. This means getting beyond yourself and your own desires and looking for ways to help others.

When you serve others, you tap into a higher purpose. You become part of something bigger than yourself, and your energy level increases even more. You start to connect with the energies of the world around you, and you become part of a team that is working towards a common goal.

But it's not just about what you do, it's also about how you do it. You have to approach life with a positive, growth mindset. You have to be willing to learn from your failures and use them as opportunities for growth. You have to be willing to push past your fears and insecurities and take risks towards your goals.

And most importantly, you have to believe in yourself. You have to believe that you have the power to achieve your dreams and make a positive impact on the world. You have to believe that you are an energy-rich person, and that you have the power to create the life you want.

So if you're feeling stuck or unsure of yourself, remember that you have more energy inside of you than you ever thought possible. Tap into that energy by taking action towards your goals and serving others with your energy. Believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.


Living an energy-rich life means embracing change and growth. It means being open to new experiences, learning from them, and using that knowledge to become a better person. It means having the courage to pursue your dreams and take risks, even if it means facing failure.

But it's important to remember that becoming energy-rich is not a destination, it's a journey. It's a continuous process of growth, learning, and self-discovery. It's about living in the present moment and being mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

One of the keys to living an energy-rich life is to focus on the positive. It's easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and emotions, especially during challenging times. But by focusing on the positive, you can shift your energy towards a more constructive and productive mindset.

Gratitude is another important aspect of living an energy-rich life. When you focus on the things you're grateful for, you attract more positive energy into your life. Take some time each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for, whether it's your health, your relationships, or the opportunities you've been given.

Another way to increase your energy is to take care of your physical health. Exercise, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep. When you take care of your body, you increase your energy levels and improve your overall well-being.

But ultimately, living an energy-rich life is about connecting with something bigger than yourself. Whether it's your family, your community, or the world at large, finding ways to serve others with your energy can be one of the most fulfilling experiences in life.

In conclusion, living an energy-rich life means tapping into the limitless potential within yourself and using that energy to achieve your dreams and make a positive impact on the world. It's about having a growth mindset, being open to new experiences, and focusing on the positive. It's about taking care of your physical health and serving others with your energy. And most importantly, it's about believing in yourself and your ability to create the life you want.


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